Mystery of Coding

Pet project 2020 : first animated GIFs

Here my first work on the pet project.

I decided to start by listing all work-related and household-related "annoying tasks"
and start to think, how can I animate them to become "motivational GIFs".

This is the "motivational GIF" it will play,
once I have emptied the biowaste bin.

. . .

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December 28, 2019

Planning a "hobby project" for 2020

The big issue for me this year has been getting into proper flow moments during my working hours.
The pomodoro technique has helped a little, but all other trials have been errors,
and no real progress in this front.

Less "flow" makes you more desperate

The real issue is - that I am now truly entering the . . .

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December 28, 2019

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